By Kathryn Bullock
Many congratulations to Adam Lee who won a Grivel mountain runner comp 5L pack for his race review. Adam kindly sent us some great photos of himself sporting his brand new Grivel runner pack.
Our Community Manager Luke caught up with Adam to ask him a few questions about his running.
Q. Who is Adam Lee?
A. I’m a Yorkshireman living in London, running 12 Ultras in 7 months to raise money for the Institute of Cancer Research.
Q. How often to do you run per week?
A. Twice a week between ultras, unless I’m really hurting
Q. Favourite place to run?
A. Anywhere off road!
Q. Mountain, Trail, Desert, Snow, Jungle or Road?
A. Mountains every time
Q. Recent race?
A. Just done the Lakeland Five Passes Ultra
Here’s what Adam said when he heard he’d won the pack:
“This is perfect timing because my dog chewed up my running bag”
To learn more about the Grivel mountain runner pack, read our latest review or read how it compares in a review round up on 8 hydration packs.